Thursday 17 July 2014

Open for debate (How to assure worker's voice in the contract labour system?)

There is a persistent complain that whenever a contract worker unionize or tries to raise voice, s/he is immediately chucked out of job. Few say that one can easily go through labour officials, courts or trade unions to raise their concern. Other say that good contractors like may be SIS or BVG ensure everything for the workers thus their is no need to organize. How to ensure that there is no exploitation in the contract labour system? Are unions an option or they simply serve leader's interest? What are the options available to assure worker's voice in the contract labour system?

Open for debate (on Fixed term contract)

Is fixed term contract dignified? The management views  regular employees a liability, whereas fixed term contract or engagement thru contractor is considered a methodology to control the employees and their performance. Is this now the acceptable form of employment? But what with having no rights even after toiling for years together and the persistent threat of non-renewal. What is your experience. 

Open for debate. (Can contract workers form unions?)

Can contract workers form unions? There has been some unions at ONGC or IOC, but in general there has been many hurdles. The Delhi metro contract workers union still can't be registered. The organised unions like CITU, AITUC, etc. normally favour regular workers and their unions. There has been some cases like in Mahindra tractors, Rudrapur, where regular workers' unions have taken up the cause of contract workers with success. What is your experience?

Photos of one-day conference on contract labour held on 21st April, 2014 at JNU convention centre, New Delhi